Friday, November 19, 2010

Well Just Joke Around Why Don't Ya.

Been doing some research on a few topics but haven't found adequate information to post on them, so I thought I'd leave you with a joke today. Enjoy.

Three mice are sitting in a bar shooting whiskey. And, of course as these things go, they get into a who's tougher contest. The first mouse slams his shot, looks at the other two and says, "Ya know them 'ol traps that got that bar that slams down when ya take the cheese? Yea, I run up on 'em take the cheese and when that bar slams down, I grab it and bench press it a hundred or so times."  The second mouse slams his shot and says, "Awww. Hell, that tain't nutin'. I get them Decon pellets, chop 'em up real nice and fine. Line it up and snort it down."  The third mouse, looks at the others and then his watch. Takes his shot, slides off the barstool and heads towards the door. The other two yell at him, "Hey! Where ya goin'?" He replies, "Home to screw the cat."

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