Monday, July 21, 2014

Do we sweat while swimming II

To continue with the thought of life... Do we even really exist. Or, are we just a dream someone is having in another realm. What makes us think and why. I know the scientific explanation and all. Sparks of electric jumping from one receptor to another, bouncing around our brain like a pinball. But, what makes those sparks of electricity different from the ones in your household wires inside the walls. They don't create thought, or do they. Does the lightbulb think about illuminating your den. Does the radio in your car think about the songs and commercials it plays. What makes animals different than machines in the sense of having the ability to think, respond, and react to our environment. Like with the ability to feel, both physically and emotionally, what is the purpose of feeling. It makes sense to feel physically, because it helps keep us out of danger. Don't touch that it's too hot, it will burn you to death. Which for some reason I imagined Wile E. Coyote being burned to a crisp and falling into a pile of ashes like a matchstick while writing that.
Or, hey you better find shelter or covering because it's cold as hell out here and you'll freeze. On a side note, how the hell did we come up with the saying "cold as hell", when hell is supposed to be consumed in flames. Side side note, if hell is hot and firey, would heaven be cold and icy. And, hey that's too sharp/unstable/slippery to walk on. I could go on, but I shouldn't.

With, emotional feelings, I don't understand the porpoise of really any of our "feelings". Why do we feel love and hate, envy and greed, depression and grief, happy and sadness, indifference and the need to be accepted. These are just thoughts that pinball in your brain. And, most seem to be a disadvantage to the population of this rock. And they fucking all overlap each other. Take love, lust, greed, envy, and jealousy. Lust is a precursor to love, but also to envy which is a source of greed which leads to jealousy when what you love is in the posesion of someone else. Which leads to hatered of that someone else, leads to sadness of not having what you love and lusted over, leads to indifference eventually. On the other hand if you do acquire what you lusted over and do come to love that thing, you will begin to be happy. Maybe. But, what if that something turns out not to be what you had grown to love and what brought you happiness. Then here comes good old indifference again, which may lead to depression. Also, what if you love this thing and are truly happy, then what is the point of finding something else that you admire. Why are we seemingly programmed to both love and lust two different objects at the same time. Having two cars, horses, motorcycles or any small things like televisions and radios makes sense to me. That way you have a back up incase one fails or dies. But, two homes, how can you have a summer home and a winter home. Seem like neither would really be a home. Having multiples of anything soon gets repetitive and redundant. But, yet we lust whilst we love. At the same time greed and charity can coexist. The greatest philanthropist are the wealthiest for a reason. They're driven to make more money, so they're the ones that have the most to give. The may serve lunch and dinner every day at the local shelter, but can only do that because they can afford to pay someone else to run their companies and make money for them. Not saying that their greed is necessarily bad, just that it's necessary. 

Greed doesn't denote evil. But can. Exactly what is evil. Or good for that matter. Is theft evil. What if it's a poor man that can't afford to feed his child, would you cut off his hands for a loaf of bread and a sack of potatoes. What if he stole your lawnmower to sell for food. Or, crack. Would you castrate a thirty year old man for sleeping with a sixteen year old girl. If she consented. What if the genders were reversed, a thirty year old woman and a sixteen year old boy. Why pat the boy on the back, but send the man to the stocks. What is the definition of murder. Or revenge. When does self defense turn into justice turn into revenge turn into murder. Why is it ok to kill another human only when you're in immediate danger of your life being taken from you. Why is it ok for someone to sucker punch you then run, but not ok for you to track them down and beat their asses. Sure, a short chase is favorably looked upon, but what if you don't see the fucker for a week. 

What if the religious among us are right and there is a God or gods. And, with either a singular god with many names or multiple gods, the results come up the same and we either go to heaven or hell. What is our purpose there. Mainly in Heaven, to what end would we serve in a heaven or a hell or a purgatory. To just exist eternally forever. Even if the space is infinite it's going to get crowded. And, do non-earth aliens go to the same Heaven and Hell. Would we even notice if they do. 

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