Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Do We Sweat While Swimming...

I came up with that question a few months ago, and it got me wondering about a lot of things (more so than I already do) about life and our planet. Some goofy things, some serious, some I wonder if anybody has ever put serious thought into. For an example, the how we got here and why conversation that started when we first learned to think. Beside, the whole creation versus evolution versus transplanted issue. I wonder if dogs wonder how they got here. How about my chickens and ducks. Dolphins. Apes and monkeys. How far does their thought process go. Do they believe in any god. If not, will they go to hell. Do plants dream. I know that'll bring up that they don't have brains, so they can't dream or think. But, neither do jellyfish or corals. So, how do they know what to do. Instinct you say. How can instinct have any more a part of life than thought if there is no brain. Do plants have souls or a conscious. 

Now back to the how we got here debate. Notice I mentioned transplanted. How do we know it was either creation or evolution, when this obvious third option should be explored and debated in depth just as the other two are. Or, hell how about a fourth, that we just popped into existence out of nowhere. Not created, evoulted or transplanted. Just like a mini Big Bang, poof here's some humans... And a walrus, because fuck it, why not. How do we know for absolut sure that we're the most advanced civilization that's ever lived on this planet. What makes us so arrogant that we believe that we're the most advanced beings to have ever existed, here or anywhere. 

While were on this general subject. If life originated in Africa, then why am I white. Now, I know that the very dark skinned people of Africa is an evolutionary trait from being out in the extreme sun and heat. But, as history has shown, the oldest races on Earth have fairly dark skin. Take the people of the Middle East, they definitely don't have white skin, more of a deep tan. Even going by the bible and using the Jewsih people as an example, they have fairly tanned skin. Having light skin such as I do seems like a evolutionary disadvantage. Yea, I know darker skinned people are at higher risk for certain cancers and still get sun burned. But, besides that white skin only helps you blend in with the snow, if you're naked. I have a hard time believing that skin got lighter because we started migrating north to Europe and northern Asia. Therefore to colder climates and had to bundle up to keep warm. Mainly because if you compare the clothing that people wear in the Middle East and all along the equator with that of the people in the most northern parts of the world. You will notice that they both are pretty well completely covered up, and have dressed like that for centuries. Although for different reasons. 

Why couldn't there have been different colonies of humans come about at the same time on different parts of the globe. Mabe we're all hybrids. Just like mules and most hybrids are infirtle for the most part. But, every now and again you may have one pop up fertile. And, if that happens enough, you can have a whole new species that can reproduce with the combined characteristics of the original parents. That's some true evolutionary shit there. Not only do we have a new species of animal, we have combined traits from the two parent species. Most likely developing an all together better animal. 

I have plenty more to say on all of these subjects, but my time has run out for the now. 

Now, I'm sure people have thought of this stuff before. And, they may have seriously considered the thought. But, my biggest question is why would any of these theories be rejected for any reason. By science or the general populace. Because it can't be proven religiously or scientifically. When neither science nor religions has proven to be absolut in the past. Just think of what we think they believed in ancient Egypt, Rome, and Greece. Many gods and flat earths. Who's to say that we weren't created by God. Who's to say we didn't evolve. Who's to say that we didn't colonize the earth from another planet and just lost the history. Who's to say plants don't think. Who's to say you don't sweat while swimming. 

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