Friday, November 26, 2010

Now It's Time.

Now it's time to get the CHRISTMAS stuff out and up. Set up the CHRISTMAS tree up after dinner yesterday. Hung the reef on the door, put the presents we have under the tree. Getting the outside lights strung out to hang, cleaning up the house. Getting some turkey salad going for sandwiches later. Just a wonderful weekend as a whole. Now that Halloween and Thanksgiving are over, NOW it's time to get ready for CHRISTMAS. Not before, and not the winter holiday, not my holiday tree or holiday stockings. This holiday is to celebrate the bitrh of JESUS CHRIST hence the name CHRISTMAS, not any of that other bullshit they've been throwing at us in the past few years. So, throw out all those holiday decorations you have, and go out and buy yourself some CHRISTMAS decorations. Or just don't celebrate CHRISTMAS.



  1. Jeff C.,
    Merry CHRISTmas to you & your family! My late husband & our son stood up for this country to keep our freedom as well as celebrate our CHRISTmas FREELY too! Yes, we do believe in GOD & our country was based on him too. I have two little ones who are catching on to it too!

  2. Yup, and thank you for your and your families sacrifice, for it is our troops that keep our Land Of The Free truly free. Also, I would like to note, that Jews celebrate Hanukkah. They don't put up Christmas Trees, or light on their houses, or little Manger Scenes in their front yards. The Bill Of Rights states; Amendment I

    Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

    I didn't see anywhere in there where the Church and State shall remain seperate by any or all accounts. Just that the State shall make no laws governing Religion.

    Here's a link to the Official Bill Of Rights page.
