Well, I finally get a moment to actually sit down and do some blog reading, and I notice a couple messages and that I have been awarded the Stylish Blogger Award. So thanks to Buckskins Rule over at (A Tale Of Two Buckskins
) and to Kipp at (
rockbottom) for passing this award on to me. Now, if I had recieved a nominations list, I would have had time to prepare a proper acceptance speech. So... I'll just have to wing it.

First off I want to thank God for breathing life into Adam so that I may be born way back in nineteen and seventy six. I want to thank my lovely wife Emily for all her support in all my hobbies and habits, whether it be spending hours reading blogs, to being an aggravating little ass sometimes, to my newest project, we're about to start The Cat-tle Ranch here in Oklahoma, it's going to be tough and rough, things are coming along pretty well, but the chimps aren't getting down how to ride the goats to gather the herds. But, we're working on it. And, keeping the Persians, Tabbys, and Siamese separated is quite a chore. But, I digress. Again, I would like to thank BR and Kipp for giving me the award, if it weren't for these two, I would not have the award to warrant the acceptance speech. I would like to thank my fourth grade teacher, Pam, for passing me onto the fourth grade even though I turned in no work that year and really learned nothing. (Because I caught her with my dad and uncle one night, and they didn't want my step-mom to find out, that was a great year.) I would like to thank my dogs, Bo and Daya, them along with our miniature panther Leo, who whilst playing gave me the idea for the cat ranch mentioned above. And, I would also like to thank Klrmnnopp, (I think that's how you would spell it) for not using the big probe when they abducted me last week.
There are rules that go along with this award:
One- Thank and link back to the person who awarded you this award.
Two- Share seven things about yourself.
Three- Award fifteen recently discovered great bloggers.
Four- Contact these bloggers and tell them about the award!
Now on to other honors.
In no particular order fifteen blogs.
One- Why not.... (Wifeys Blog)
Two- Can You Relate?
Three- Grumpy Old Ken
Four- Make Daddy A Sammich
Five- A Year With Horses
Six- BSOTF Tatting plus other things
Seven- Dribble.....
Eight- Blog of randomness
Nine- Knucklehead!
Ten- Semi-coherent thought
Eleven- Simple Dude
Twelve- My Hetic Life
Thirteen- Hyperbole and a Half
Fifteen- Sketches and Doodles
Now, being that I haven't been on here for that long, pretty well all the blogs I read are recently discovered, by me at least. So, I listed the top fifteen I read, which is nearly all of them I follow. Sad part is that was the easy part. The seven things about myself isn't going to be easy unless you want genetic features, like I have eyes, legs, arms, hair, and a couple hands. Oddly enough they're attached to the ends of my arms, brilliant I tell ya, just damn brilliant!
One- I'm just a regular 'ole Redneck that rides a motorcycle and works in the oilfield.
Two- I have a family, One wife, three children. Was going for the two and a half average, but the
hospital rounded up.
Three- I am The Stig....s Redneck cousin, I test drive oilfield equipment.
Four- I play with myself a lot, and it wears me out. It's not bad with computer games, but Ping Pong is
a pretty fast paced game, and running around the table is a helluva work out.
Five- My favorite teams are, Pittsburgh in all sports, Oklahoma City Thunder in Basketball, and
Oklahoma State in College sports.
Six- I put Viagra in my bosses coffee once, and he couldn't sit down for a week.
Seven- My favorite show right now is Top Gear on the BBC.
Now on to the really fun part, trying to figure out how to paste links where it shows the title of the page instead of the html code. lol And, the off to pass the word around that they have been awarded by 'lil 'ole me.